Thursday, August 14, 2008

His Expression Just KILLS Me

We had a lot of picnics in Paris. We would grab some baguettes, some cheese, some wine and some pasties and just pop a squat. One day, while picnicking near the Eiffel Tower, I decided to get a group picture. I carefully set my camera up on top of some plastic cups and set the timer. As I ran around my friends to drop into the picture, I slipped and slid on the grass and sort of ended up sliding into my spot. It didn't hurt, and was completely hysterical - especially the way I am looking happy and perfect in the picture while all my friends are looking at me.

But the best part is in the background of the picture. Over my shoulder is a police officer. He saw the whole thing and has the most priceless expression. Here it is blown up:

He looks so appalled. I can barely type this it makes me laugh EVERY time. He actually jumped over the little fence to come to my aid. He had a little hanky out for me to wipe the grass stains off my leg. I just couldn't stop laughing.

Here is the pretty version of the picture:


Anonymous said...

I love that. The picture, the story, the policeman. It's like a little vignette. Love it!

Rebecca said...

Welcome back!! We missed you in the blog galaxy. :)

Rebecca said...

P.S. I'm SO jealous of your trip to have no idea!! I love Paris and haven't been in years and a girls vacation in Paris sounds PERFECT! OK, that's it, I'm going to e-mail my girlfriends and beg them to consider doing it next year (or maybe the year after...that should give everyone enough time to plan and save up!)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow is that a great post. Had me cracking up. I'm jealous too.

Julie said...

I love it - both the picture and the policeman's face are priceless.