I know, I know. Its just Thanksgiving. But really - Christmas is only 27 days away. I LOVE Christmas. I like the shopping, the traditions, the lights, the music, the excitement, the Nutcracker, family and friends celebrating - really everything about it.
I have decided to put up some version of my Christmas Village this year - you know, those Department 56 ceramic houses that crazy old ladies decorate with. LOVE EM! I haven't put it out much in the last few years cuz I have these crazy kids who would
We are putting up our tree on Sunday. I can't wait. I also promised the kids we could bring out blankets and sleep under it the first night too. Not exactly what I planned as a school night, but ah well...
I have a bunch of shopping done, but still more to do. But I love it. I know there are people who don't, but I do. I love picking out just the right thing for each person. I am even making a bunch of my gifts this year. I even love wrapping. And seeing all the gifts under the tree.
So bring it on - I love Christmas and am glad the season is here!