Monday, January 7, 2008

Mental Exercise

I had a great run this morning. Its been a while since I could say that. I have been pretty good about keeping up the running - but the actual runs have been mediocre at best. Lots of walking in between some running. Its amazing to me how mental running is.

You can train your legs and your lungs to handle the run, but your body (or I guess I should say MY body) just doesn't want to do it. So it becomes a mental game - mind over matter - just decide I am going to run the whole way, I am not going to stop, I CAN do it. This morning I just woke up with a different attitude and decided I would do my regular run and I would run the whole way - no stopping, with a surge at the end. And I did. But my body definitely had moments where I wanted to stop. And I just had to ignore it, listen to my music, and keep pushing.

Lets hope I can keep this attitude up!


Happy Working Mom said...

Good for you! I hate exercising, so it's always a mental war for me every time I go to the gym!

Misty said...

good for you! That's fantastic!

Amy W said...

You hit the nail on the, it is abosutely 100% mental...