Friday, May 9, 2008

They Say the City Lights are Bright

My B is sick today. But normally she has a very sparkling personality. I knew this - but usually she has been somewhat shy around other people. Until recently. She has now figured out that an audience is golden.

It started out a month or so ago. We were at the final class of K and B's gymnastics. The teachers were giving out ribbons. The kids could walk up on the "stage" get their ribbon and bow, curtsy, or wave to the crowd. Of the 22 kids - 21 got their ribbon and shyly waved. B was the last kid called up. She shyly went up, took her ribbon, then turned to the crowd and did a perfect curtsy. It was sooo precious. I can't believe I didn't have my camera.

Then a few weeks ago we started swimming lessons. We found a time where all 3 kids go to class at the same time at the same place. Perfect! DH goes with Big Man into the kiddie class, K goes to Swim 3, and B to Swim 2. Mom stands ready with towels. So, DH and Big Man get done and head to the showers. I grab B and head for the girls' showers. K's class goes 10 minutes longer, so she stays in the pool. I get B in the locker room and push her into the communal shower. She was the only one in there. After a minute or two I tell her I want to go check on her sister in the pool. We run through our normal security drill (Me - so, if someone comes in and says, "little girl, there's a pony outside - want to go for a ride?" what do you say?? B - NOO! YOU ARE NOT MY FAMILY!) OK, check. So I pop outside the locker room to check on K. As I come back in, I hear very loud singing. I walk over to the shower, and there is B...dancing and singing at the top of her lungs, up and down the length of the shower. She has a group of toddlers and moms watching her from the locker room, and she is having a BLAST! It was so funny. I had never seen her like this around strangers. I would have taken video, but it was probably child porn, since she was naked.

Anyway, this is her routine every week at swimming now. This week as we were getting her bathing suit off, she said "time for my show!", and off she went. she comes!


Laura said...

OH MY! You have a performer on your hands!!!! How cute! Thanks for sharing.

Happy Mother's Day.

Yellow Beads said...

That is precious! Looks like you keep a busy schedule with your kids--good job Mom!

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

OMG! That is hilarious!!! I love it!!

Momlissa said...

Hi there -- just delurking to say hello to a fellow 40 yr old tending to 3 little ones and working outside the home!! We are a rare breed! I look forward to reading more of your blog...